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Communities Crushing Cancer 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

View the FAQ informational video:

What is Communities Crushing Cancer (CCC)?

The CCC initiative is a dynamic, resident-led event aimed at raising cancer awareness and increasing cancer screening rates. Residents engage with patients and families to provide information about breast, lung, and colorectal cancer screening.

When is the CCC event scheduled?

Communities Crushing Cancer 2025 is scheduled for Wednesday, October 29th, 2025. 

Are you interested in participating in CCC in 2025?  Register Now

What time should we hold the event?

Each residency program can choose the best time for them to accommodate their schedules. The event can be held at any time during the day. We suggest doing it between 12-2 pm to allow as many residents as possible the opportunity to participate without affecting your residency’s staffing.

What does the event typically involve?

Residents set up a table in a central location in your institution, such as the hospital lobby, to provide patients with information about cancer screening. Last year, residents staffed their booths for approximately 2-6 hours.

What resources will be provided to help us organize the event?

We are finalizing a participant toolkit, which will provide all the necessary resources to ensure your program's success. This toolkit will include downloadable brochures that each program can print and distribute to patients. All materials are premade, all you need to do is print!

How do we register for the CCC event?

Site Liaison's should register for their site.  Stay tuned for the 2025 event registration link!

What is a CCC Liaison? 

It is easiest to identify one primary resident “liaison” who will step forward as the principal coordinator for their site for logistics. They will be added to regular communication between the RHEC CCC Task Force through email and WhatsApp, and be an event coordinator themselves by promoting CCC at their institution.

What is the time commitment of being a CCC liaison?

Very little! We will hold an intro meeting in September to give you an overview via Zoom and have one check-in. Past that it is just printing the materials and spreading the word   You do not have to create any materials. 

Where can we find more information about the CCC program?

For more information about the CCC program, please visit our webpage:

Who can participate in the CCC event?

Residency programs, particularly those with a focus on radiology, are encouraged to participate in this event. Medical students, community centers and other residency programs are also more than welcome to join!

How can we promote the CCC event in our community?

As part of the toolkit, we will provide promotional materials, including template social media posts and flyers, to help you spread the word about the CCC event

Contact us:

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

We look forward to collaborating with you and making a significant impact together in advancing health equity and improving cancer outcomes. Together we can crush cancer!